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Schedule A/B: Property for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy
Schedule A/B: Property for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy

Find out how to enter information into NextChapter to be listed on Schedule A/B

Schedule A/B (106A/B) - Full Form Instructions
Schedule A/B - Legal Property Interest
Schedule A/B - Legal Vehicle Interest
Schedule A/B - Other Vehicles
Schedule A/B - Household Goods
Schedule A/B - Electronics
Schedule A/B - Collectibles of Value
Schedule A/B - Sport Equipment
Schedule A/B - Firearms
Schedule A/B - Clothes
Schedule A/B - Jewelry
Schedule A/B - Pet(s)
Schedule A/B - Other Personal Items
Schedule A/B - Cash
Schedule A/B - Deposits of Money
Schedule A/B - Bonds, Mutual Funds, or Publicly Traded Stocks
Schedule A/B - Non-publicly Traded Stock & Interests
Schedule A/B - Government Bond
Schedule A/B - Retirement or Pension Accounts
Schedule A/B - Security Deposits and Prepayments
Schedule A/B - Annuities
Schedule A/B - Education IRA
Schedule A/B - Equitable or Future Interests
Schedule A/B - Intellectual Property
Schedule A/B - Licenses & Franchises
Schedule A/B - Tax Refunds
Schedule A/B - Family Support
Schedule A/B - Unpaid Wages
Schedule A/B - Interests in Insurance Policies
Schedule A/B - Life Estate
Schedule A/B - Claims Against Third Parties
Schedule A/B - Other Claims
Schedule A/B - Financial Assets Not Yet Listed
Schedule A/B - Accounts Receivable
Schedule A/B - Office Equipment, Furnishings, Supplies
Schedule A/B - Machinery
Schedule A/B - Inventory
Schedule A/B - Partnership and Joint Ventures
Schedule A/B - Customer Lists
Schedule A/B - Business-Related Property Not Yet Listed
Schedule A/B - Farm Animals
Schedule A/B - Crops
Schedule A/B - Farm Equipment
Schedule A/B - Farm Supplies
Schedule A/B - Farm Property Not Yet Listed
Schedule A/B - Property Not Yet Listed
Line Mapping - Personal Property
Schedule A/B - Lines 5 and 56
Schedule A/B - Lines 15 and 57
Schedule A/B - Lines 36 and 58
Schedule A/B - Business Related Property
Schedule A/B - Lines 45 and 59
Schedule A/B - Do you own or have any legal or equitable interest in any farm- or commercial fishing-related property?
Schedule A/B - Lines 52 and 60
Schedule A/B - Line 63
Schedule A/B - Line 62