If you are a Pro+ or Whoa user, you have access to our Quick Means Test Qualifier!
This feature appears upon any new case creation. Just click +New Case at the top of your account and then click +Quick Means Test.
Next, add your client's residential state, number of people in the household, and monthly income. The qualifier will calculate your client's annual income and compare it to the median income in their state. This calculation will determine no presumption or presumption of abuse and provide a thumbs up or thumbs down accordingly.
You may also enter additional comments to leave reminders or updates for the case. Just click +Create Case when you're finished.
The comments, along with the Means Test qualification data, will appear within your case on Case Dashboard > Comments.
The household size will appear in Client Profile > Debtor Profile. However, the client's residential address and full income will still need to be entered in their proper sections within the case.
Keywords: Means Test, qualifier, quick, qualification, income