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Statement of Financial Affairs - Lawsuits, Court Actions, or Administrative Proceedings
Statement of Financial Affairs - Lawsuits, Court Actions, or Administrative Proceedings

How to enter SOFA (107) Line 9

Mandy Ballinger avatar
Written by Mandy Ballinger
Updated over a week ago

Question from SOFA line 9: Within 1 year before you filed for bankruptcy, were you a party in any lawsuit, court action, or administrative proceeding?

There are two ways to add a lawsuit to line 9:

  1. If the Plaintiff in the action is also a creditor listed in the Secured Claims or Unsecured Nonpriority Claims sections, the lawsuit can be added while editing that claim by selecting Add Action.  When the box Add to SOFA #9 (Lawsuit) is checked, additional fields will populate to enter the case and court information.

Note - adding a lawsuit through this method will also add the action onto line 10 of the SOFA. If you only want the action listed on line 9 of the SOFA, use the 2nd method below.

2. If the lawsuit is not connected with any of the creditors listed in the claims, the lawsuit can be added directly in the Lawsuit section of NextChapter. 

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