Line 21: How do the lines compare?
This line is determined by comparing the amounts on line 20b and line 20c. You can view how this line is being determined by viewing the form's instructions from the Preview button within the case or by visiting Means Test > Means Test Review > Form 122C-1 > 21-21.
[x] Line 20b is less than line 20c. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, on the top of page 1 of this form, check box 3, The commitment period is 3 years. Go to Part 4.
[x] Line 20b is more than or equal to line 20c. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, on the top of page 1 of this form, check box 4, The commitment period is 5 years. Go to Part 4.
****Please note that line 21 is determined automatically from comparing the figures in line 20b and line 20c. If you need to make a different selection for line 21, then you will need to edit the income.