Line 1: Is this a joint case? If yes, Does Debtor 2 live in a separate household?
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Client Profile > Filing Information > Type of Debtor. If Debtor 2 lives in a separate household, go to Client Profile > Joint Debtor Profile > "Does joint debtor have a different address than debtor?". Add the address in Client Profile > Joint Debtor Addresses.
To mark "No" on the form for "Is this a joint case?", go to Client Profile > Filing Information > Type of Debtor and select Individual from the dropdown.
To mark "Yes" on the form for "Is this a joint case?", go to Client Profile > Filing Information > Type of Debtor and select Joint from the dropdown.
If the case is joint, does Debtor 2 live in a separate household?
To mark "No" on the form for "Does Debtor 2 live in a separate household?", make sure "No" is marked in Client Profile > Joint Debtor Profile > "Does joint debtor have a different address than debtor?".
To mark "Yes" on the form for "Does Debtor 2 live in a separate household?", make sure "Yes" is marked in Client Profile > Joint Debtor Profile > "Does joint debtor have a different address than debtor?".
If you mark "Yes", you should see the Joint Debtor Addresses tab appear.
Then, enter the address in Client Profile > Joint Debtor Addresses and click "Save Address".