Line 1: Do you have any codebtors?
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Secured Claims, Unsecured Priority Claims, or Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Edit or Add Claim > +Add Co-Debtor AND/OR Executory Contracts > Edit or Add Contract > +Add Co-Debtor AND/OR Codebtors Insiders & Notices > Codebtors > +Add Codebtor.
Line 2: Within the last 8 years, have you lived in a community property state or territory?
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Client Profile > Debtor Addresses > select AZ, CA, ID, LA, NV, NM, PR, TX, WA, WI as the state resided in and select "Yes" in Client Profile > Debtor Profile > "Did the debtor live in a community property state in the past 8 years?". If spouse lived with you, go to Client Profile > Spouses & Dependents > Spouse/Former Spouses.
Line 3: In Column 1, list all of your codebtors.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Codebtors, Insiders & Notices > Codebtors. ***Follow the steps for line 1 to have the codebtors appear on line 3.