Line 6: Total the amounts of certain types of unsecured claims.
This information pulls from the Type of Unsecured Priority Claims and the Consideration of Unsecured Nonpriority Claims.
Where to locate the Type for Unsecured Priority Claims: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New claim > Type of Unsecured Priority Claim
Where to locate the Consideration for Unsecured Nonpriority Claims: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > +New claim > Consideration
Line 6a. Domestic support obligations.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Domestic Support Obligations
Line 6b. Taxes and certain other debts you owe the government.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Taxes & Other Government Units
Line 6c. Claims for death or personal injury while you were intoxicated.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Claims for death or injury while intoxicated
Line 6d. Other. Add all other priority unsecured claims.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Commitments to maintain capitals / Extensions of credit in an involuntary case / Deposits by individuals / Contributions to employee benefits / Certain farmers and fisherman / Other / Wages, Salaries, Commissions
Line 6e. Add lines 6a through 6d.
Line 6f. Student loans.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > +New Claim > Consideration > Student Loans
Line 6g. Obligations arising out of a separation agreement or divorce that you did not report as priority claims.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Consideration > Obligation From Divorce Or Separation
Line 6h. Debts to pension or profit-sharing plans, and other similar debts.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Consideration > Obligation To Pensions
Line 6i. Other. Add all other nonpriority unsecured claims.
Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Consideration > Cable / Satellite Services, Collection Agency, Credit Card Debt, Debt Counseling / Attorneys, Deficiency Balance, Home / Car Repairs, Income Taxes, Judgement Liens, Medical Services, Monies Loaned / Advanced, Mortgage, Other, Overdrawn Bank Account, Promised To Help Pay Creditors, Suppliers And Vendors, Telephone / Internet Services, Utility Services
Line 6j. Total. Add lines 6f through 6i.