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All CollectionsSchedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims
Schedule E/F (106E/F) - Full Form Instructions
Schedule E/F (106E/F) - Full Form Instructions

Instructions on where in the app to enter each line for Form 106 E/F

Kelly Torres avatar
Written by Kelly Torres
Updated over 11 months ago

Line 1: Do any creditors have priority unsecured claims against you?

Where to enter this in NextChapter: To mark YES on the form, go to Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim. To mark NO, leave this section blank.

Line 2: List all of your priority unsecured claims.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims

Line 3: Do any creditors have nonpriority unsecured claims against you?

Where to enter this in NextChapter: To mark YES on the form, go to Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > +New Claim. To mark NO, leave this section blank.

Line 4: List all of your nonpriority unsecured claims in the alphabetical order of the creditor who holds each claim.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims

Line 5: List others to be notified about a debt that you already listed.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims AND/OR Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > +New Claim > +Add Notice Address

Line 6: Total the amounts of certain types of unsecured claims. This information is for statistical reporting purposes only. 28 U.S.C. § 159. Add the amounts for each type of unsecured claim.

Line 6a: Domestic support obligations.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Domestic Support Obligations

Line 6b: Taxes and certain other debts you owe the government.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Taxes & Other Government Units

Line 6c: Claims for death or personal injury while you were intoxicated.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Claims for death or injury while intoxicated

Line 6d: Other. Add all other priority unsecured claims.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Priority Claims > +New Claim > Type > Commitments to maintain capitals, Extensions of credit in an involuntary case, Deposits by individuals, Contributions to employee benefits, Certain farmers and fisherman, Other, Wages, Salaries, Commissions

Line 6e: Add lines 6a through 6d.

Line 6f: Student loans.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > +New Claim > Consideration > Student Loans

Line 6g: Obligations arising out of a separation agreement or divorce that you did not report as priority claims.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Consideration > Obligation From Divorce Or Separation

Line 6h: Debts to pension or profit-sharing plans, and other similar debts.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Consideration > Obligation To Pensions

Line 6i: Other. Add all other nonpriority unsecured claims.

Where to enter this in NextChapter: Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Consideration > Cable / Satellite Services, Collection Agency, Credit Card Debt, Debt Counseling / Attorneys, Deficiency Balance, Home / Car Repairs, Income Taxes, Judgement Liens, Medical Services, Monies Loaned / Advanced, Mortgage, Other, Overdrawn Bank Account, Promised To Help Pay Creditors, Suppliers And Vendors, Telephone / Internet Services, Utility Services

Line 6j: Total. Add lines 6f through 6i.

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