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Case Filing E-mail

How to select who receives e-mail notifications when a case is filed

Katie Stasiulewicz avatar
Written by Katie Stasiulewicz
Updated over 5 years ago

After your case is filed through the application, an email is sent from NextChapter to the attorney on the case confirming that the case was successfully filed. Many of our users prefer their case filing email notification to go to both the attorney and the paralegal/assistant after the filing. This ensures that the attorney and the user filing the case on the attorney's behalf have an electronic record of the filing. You can set this up in NextChapter through your Account Settings.

Depending on your preference, you can set the case filing notification so that it is sent to the 'Attorney Only,'  'Attorney And Other,' or 'Other Only.'

To make changes to this setting, go to Account Settings > Firm & User Settings > My User Profile. In this section, you can change the 'Case Filing Notification' field to one of those three options listed above.

If you choose 'Attorney Only,'  the case filing email will default to the original email entered in 'My User Profile' for the attorney. If you select 'Attorney And Other' or 'Other Only,' a new field will open up allowing you to enter an alternate email. This email will receive a case filing notification from NextChapter after any case has been filed. 

If there are multiple attorneys under the firm's account, each attorney can control who they want to receive the email notification for any case they are assigned to through their User Settings. 

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