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Exemption from Presumption - Means Test
Exemption from Presumption - Means Test

How to indicate if there is an exemption from the presumption of abuse and generate 122A-1Supp

Mandy Ballinger avatar
Written by Mandy Ballinger
Updated over a year ago

There are two places to indicate if the debtor has an exemption from the presumption of abuse in NextChapter:

  1. Client Profile > Filing Information > Nature of Debt > Select "Business" or "Other"

2. Means Test >  Exemption from Presumption 

If an exemption is indicated in any of these sections, no further information will need to be completed in the Means Test section and Form 122A-1Supp Statement of Exemption from Presumption of Abuse Under § 707(b)(2) will be included in the packet. 

  • Means Test >  Means Test Qualifier 

If a red thumbs down appears, a presumption of abuse arises and you will need to complete the Means Test

If a green thumbs up appears, there is no presumption of abuse you do not need to complete the Means Test

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