Court Integration with ECF
✅ NextChapter supports e-filing for Individual and Business cases.
Chapter 13 Plan
✅ NextChapter supports the district form plan for Illinois Southern revised 1/1/19.
Event Codes
The following additional forms can be filed through NextChapter for this court:
✅ Certificate of Credit Counseling
✅ Statement of Social Security Number(s)
✅ Pay Filing Fee in Installments
✅ Waive Filing Fee (IFP)
✅ Chapter 13 Plan
✅ Debtor Electronic Noticing Request
✅ Employee Income Records
Additional Firm Specific Notes
✅ None!
Learn More!
🖥 How to file cases through NextChapter.
🖥 How to use these event codes to file additional documents.
🖥 How to use NextChapter's Chapter 13 Plan Editor and Calculator.
🖥 Add the Chapter 13 Plan Package to your plan.
Coming Soon!
📌 Option to File Amended Forms through NextChapter
📌 Option to File the rest of the forms after an Emergency Filing
✋ Don't see an event code or local form you regularly use? Send us a message through our in-app chat or email us at and we'll add that to our queue to be added into NextChapter.