There are two places in the application to enter the information for the Attorney Fee Disclosure.
When you first set up your firm in NextChapter, in your settings page you can enter the standard language to be used for all cases for line 5 of the Disclosure form.
If your firm needs to save more than one Attorney Fee Disclosure Statement option, you can save as many as needed and retitle each statement.
If multiple disclosure statements are saved, you can select which statement you would like used for in each case in Miscellaneous > Attorney / Credit Counseling Fees > Attorney's Fee Disclosure > Choose Disclosure Statement.
The rest of the questions can be completed in each case under the Attorney's Fee Disclosure section. Here, you can enter if the fees were or are to be paid by someone other than the debtor and you enter the fee amounts.
βTo check the Retainer box on the Attorney Disclosure of Compensation you can select the box and add in the fees that you would like listed on the form.
If you will be attaching the agreement to the disclosure, you can upload the document in Additional Documents > Client Document Storage. That form will then become an available document in the Review & File tab and can be assembled to be filed.