Select which plan you would like to use. You'll see a message which lets you know that NextChapter pulls over as much information as possible from the case, but some sections will need to be edited within the editor and you should review the plan carefully before filing.
Update the title to your plan so that you know which version you're working on. This will be helpful later if you need to file an amended plan.
3. NextChapter will autocomplete any sections of your plan based on what's already been entered for your case. Some sections will need to be updated manually.
4. Most Chapter 13 Plans in NextChapter are saved with 1 in margins. If you would like to edit or remove the margins, you can click on the Document Properties button and then click on the Design tab. In the page margins, you can delete out the current margins or edit the size.
5. Preview your plan at any time by clicking on Export as PDF. You can make as edits and export the plan to PDF as many times necessary.
You can also save your plan and come back to make any updates or edits later. All your previous work will be saved.
6. After you save a plan, you will see it listed in Chapter 13 Plan section. Here you can edit or delete the plan. If you need to make an amendment to the plan, you can select Duplicate which will duplicate that plan and you can change the plan name to indicate that it is the amended form.
Tips to Edit Plans
Expanding the Editing Screen: To make the editing window bigger, you can click on the arrow in the bottom right-hand corner and drag the window to a bigger size.
Checkboxes: Plans that contain checkboxes will have these symbols in place of the checkbox in the editor: [o]. If the box should be checked, replace the o with x so that the symbol looks like this: [x}. When converted to a PDF, the plan will reflect a checked or unchecked checkbox based on the symbol listed in the editor.
Adding additional rows to tables: If you need to add additional rows to a table, use your mouse to right-click on the bottom row of the table, go to Row and then click on Insert Row After.