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206H - Do you have any codebtors?

How to enter Schedule 206H Line 1 - Line 2

Sara Taylor avatar
Written by Sara Taylor
Updated over a month ago

Line 1: Do you have any codebtors?

Where to enter this in NextChapter: To mark YES on the form, go to Secured Claims, Unsecured Priority Claims, or Unsecured Nonpriority Claims > Edit or Add Claim > +Add Co-Debtor AND/OR Executory Contracts > Edit or Add Contract > +Add Co-Debtor AND/OR Codebtors Insiders & Notices > Codebtors > +New Codebtor. To mark NO on the form, do not add any codebtors.

Line 2: In Column 1, list all of your codebtors. After following the steps for line 1 and adding your codebtors, all codebtors will then appear on line 3.

You can add a co-debtor in any of the claims sections and in the Executory Contract tab. Just create a new entry or edit an existing one and select "+Add Co-Debtor" at the bottom:

***Any co-debtors added here will automatically populate in Codebtors Insiders & Notices > Codebtors.

You can also add them directly in Codebtors Insiders & Notices > Codebtors by selecting +New Codebtor as shown below:

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